

Tiffany.  28 years.  Edmonton, AB

I started this blog to document my life and to share things that interest me.

I live in a big house with my cats Robot & Tesla.  Here I like to bake and do crafty things.  I also love adventure and to travel.

Feel free to drop me a line tzaharuik@gmail.com




20 responses

  1. This is a great site! I’m really enjoying your photos and blogs. I had no idea you were so talented and creative. You rock!

  2. You had me at pancakes. I just found your blog and I can’t stop scrolling through your older posts! The recipes look unbelievably delicious and the photos are gorgeous. I look forward to whatever treats you post next so keep up the creativity and congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!

  3. Love the pancakes, I could eat them straight off the screen. Zara loves the photos of the cats and kittens so we’ve nominated you for One Lovely Blog award. Enjoy.

  4. Hey, just a fan of yours passing on the Inspirational Blogger Award thing, I linked you on my blog ( hope you don’t mind!) so if you wanted to play along to just read the post and follow the rules. I just love your blog, you post so much cool stuff!

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